Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Got Two Sets of Headphones

I was thinking today about how writing about music has changed the way I listen to music. Before this, listening was a totally selfish experience--I listened to what I wanted to because I wanted to listen to it. Which, I guess, is self-evident and usually the case for most people.

Now, I feel compelled to listen to things, even if I hate them (ahem, U2). As a result, I almost feel guilty going back and listening to things I've really enjoyed (Neko Neko Neko) when I know I need to keep checking out some new music.

All that said, we're 1/4 of the way through the year (is my Math right B-Man?), so here's an initial list of my favorite songs of the year in alphabetical order by artist:

A.C. Newman: There Are Maybe Ten or Twelve, The Changeling, Submarines of Stockholm

Andrew Bird: Oh No, Fitz and the Dizzyspells, Effigy, Not a Robot but a Ghost, Natural Disaster

Animal Collective: My Girls, Daily Routine, Bluish, Brothersport

Beirut: The Shrew, My Wife

Bon Iver: Blood Bank

Coconut Records: Drummer, Any Fun, The Summer

Cymbals Eat Guitars: And the Hazy Sea

Dan Auerbach: Trouble Weighs a Ton, Heartbroken in Disrepair, Mean Monsoon

Grizzly Bear: Two Weeks

M. Ward: For Beginners, Never Had Nobody Like You, Rave On

Miniature Tigers: Cannibal Queen, Like or Like Like, The Wolf

Neko Case: This Tornado Loves You, Vengeance is Sleeping, Middle Cyclone, The Pharoahs, People Gotta Lotta Nerve

Nobunny: Nobunny Loves You, Mess Me Up

Bonus points to the person naming the song/artist for the title of the post.


yo its bman said...

i miss you like hell, won't you come to louisiana and stay with me?

Unknown said...

I like that my comment made you justify the not one, but two posts dedicated to U2. There should be no guilt for listening to good music, but it's nice you're willing to make yourself into a musical martyr.

I'm getting nervous but can't take the bonus points since you just quoted one of my favorite albums ever. -R

pz said...

heylo, new post requested...i need something to listen to! i mean it's not like you've been doing anything important over the past month.