Monday, September 14, 2009

MTV doesn't care about Destiny's Child

As you probably read on other people's facebook status' or twitter (I'm assuming no one actually watches these things after they get out of middle school...hmm maybe should replace "assuming" with "hoping"), Kanye West made quite the impression last night after Taylor Swift won the award for Best Female Video at the MTV Video Music Awards. A quick recap: Taylor Swift wins award, says thanks in short speech, and Kanye jumps in, takes the mic, and says "Yo Taylor I'm really happy for you, I'm gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. One of the best videos of all time." Crowd unhappy. People mad at Kanye? My thoughts? Glad you asked.

I love Kanye. Not for his leftish-leaning politcal rants, not for his music (which is often great but falls prey to many of the same issues plaguing all rappers these days), and not for his style, but for his passion.

As for last night's event, he owes Taylor Swift an apology. No doubt. That said, he's one of my favorite artists out there because of what he did. He has opinions about music, it's not just something he does, but an integral part of his life. Last year facing the death of a family member and the loss of a fiancee, he refused to retreat, and instead put his issues into his music. I thought the album (808s and Heartbreak) was great, less because of the music, and more because of the emotion. He's a man that cannot separate his life from his music, and we're all better off for it (um, except for Taylor Swift I guess). And shit, this is even better than that--Kanye's not just passionate about his own music, but passionate about someone else's. I guarantee that Kanye's heard more music than just about every other artist that was present last night. It's hard to imagine many other musicians today getting that impassioned about someone else's work.

Point being, that fuck all of these sad sacks who have their songs and music written for them, and at the end of the day cannot wait to escape the studio or whatever so they can go take pictures for the new issue of In Touch and talk to their agent about getting into the next Hannah Montana movie. Kanye may be brazen and egotistical, but at least he gives a fuck about music. That's something I can identify with.


Chris Mattingly said...

I read that Kanye is going to be on the Jay Leno show tonight--the premier. Do you think, oh master of music, that Kanye was coerced into saying something outrageous, so as to give fodder to Leno's first showing?

tpack said...

Yeah, I've heard rumblings to that effect. But why? No new album for Kanye, which seems like the most likely reason for such things. And it's not like he was wearing a Jay Leno t-shirt last night. Don't think those two audiences (MTV and Leno) are going to have much in common.

I'd say's not like he delivered a great speech or anything. But who knows, I don't think it would surprise anyone if it had been staged. Would make me sad though.

Jordan M said...

Too bad he was praising her video and not her music. I'd also disagree with your statement about his passion for music: sure he has it, but I wouldn't doubt that there were quite a few other people in that audience with his, or a larger, knowledge. Being able to sample something and put beats to it is a little different than being able to actually play it. Then again, this is MTV we're talking about so not exactly the epitome of musical taste.

tpack said...


1. Video vs. Music: I think that's just semantics. Sure, he had to say video because it was the VIDEO music awards, but from what I remember of my MTV days, the music and the video are inextricably linked.

2. Which people in the audience? Miley Cyrus? Jennifer Lopez? Bullshit. And disagreed on his "sampling." You don't think he knows a ton of shit about music from producing? Guarantee he knows more than just about everyone there. Even if it's "just beats," there's a lot going on there.

3. Yeah, MTV sucks. Agree with you on that one.

Jordan M said...

1. Video vs Music: So what's the award criteria? Best mix of video and music? Some type of synergistic apotheosis of the visual and aural? It's just the Teen Choice Awards / TV Guide Awards for MTV, not something culturally significant (though may be to Taylor Swift).

2. Sure, not J Lo or Miley but think of any of the hip-hop producers in the audience. Or think of the one's that weren't in the audience bc they don't want to be part of that type of BS. It does take some skill to sample / put beats to something (I know from personal experience) but it's not indicative of vast knowledge of the musical sphere, just a good ear for sound.

3. Exactly. And, as is indicative of MTV VMA's past, this was one of many little 'controversies' that crop up every year to get people to rewatch them on the inevitable replays for the next few weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if this was as staged as the Bruno/Eminem thing.

yo its bman said...

shouldn't the director of the video get the award?